Welcome to Wren's Little World

Hello, welcome! Before you enter, give this a quick read!

This site is coded entirely in Chrome, but I am doing my best to make it work on Firefox and Edge as well. It is not yet mobile friendly, as I have not yet started work on the separate mobile css for any of the pages. I recommend using the Chrome app, setting the webpage to load the desktop site, and rotating your phone to landscape for the meantime! Yes, the site is large. Sorry, my monitor is huge and everyone's sites look so small to me. Please let me know if anything breaks!

All art on this site is created by myself, unless otherwised credited on the page (usually at the bottom).

This website is still under constructions as I create more pages and secrets, but please have fun clicking around and seeing what's here! Thank you for taking the time to read this, so please feel free to...

♡ Come in and enjoy your stay ♡