The Witch's House

This review contains spoilers for The Witch's House

The Witch's House is a game I remember more for how its twist made me feel than the actual gameplay itself. It was brutal and I honestly found myself more frustrated and just desparate to finish it, despite dying over and over again, than really soaking in the atmosphere and puzzles. Sometimes I think it was needlessly punishing, but looking back on it...I've changed my perspective.

It should absolutely have been as punishing as it was, given the reveal in the true ending. You aren't a helpless, frightened girl who almost had her body taken by a witch with a dying, terminal body. You are the witch, you stole this healthy body, and you left the girl who felt so deeply for you that she agreed to trade bodies for a day to let you feel love and the joy of being in a body without pain. That girl is so desparate, so intensely in pain, and is throwing everything at you to get back what you stole. Her life, her health, and then the love of her father.

The only real good ending to the game is any time you die.

I do not replay this game. Not solely because I am very bad at the chase sequences and die constantly to them, but because knowing that I am the real antagonist makes me feel sick. It is a game, these characters do not exist, but my heart aches over Viola. She did not deserve this.

Part of me feels like this game makes a great metaphor for being in a toxic friendship with a chronically pessimistic person who feeds on your pity. Someone you grow so attached to because you hurt to seem them in pain, alone and neglected (or worse yet, abused themselves), and just desparately want to make everything better for them. But they sap your life and drag you down to their level of misery. Once you are no longer of use to them, they discard you and move on. Never once did they truly love you or appreciate all the care, empathy, and kindness you gave them.

Art by Ito

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